2nd Global Summit to Address Online Harms: The State of STAR

The Center for Countering Digital Hate will be hosting its 2nd Global Summit to Address Online Harms in Washington, D.C. With incredible speakers and panelists, we'll discuss the state of the STAR Framework, and why regulating social media companies is more urgent than ever. Join us in person this 18th of June, 2024.

Governments worldwide are now finally taking action to limit the harmful excesses of social media giants. From the Digital Services Act in Europe, the Online Safety Act in the UK, and growing calls for action in the US – change is possible and has already begun to materialize.

This convening will bring together the leading international thinkers, regulators, and activists, to share insights and progress to secure safety by design, meaningful transparency and accountability, and responsibility in our fight for a free and fair internet.

A robust and collaborative civil society is essential in the fight against online harms and achieving accountability.

Please join us in person for dynamic conversations with leaders across sectors, build relationships with your peers, and meet global advocates who share the same mission to create a healthier information ecosystem.

Find here everything you need to know about the 2nd CCDH Global Summit to Address Online Harms: The State of STAR.

The Global Summit will take place in person in Washington, D.C on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, from 9am-5pm (local time). There will not be a livestream or digital option for attendance and there is limited physical capacity, so please ensure that if you reserve a ticket, you swiftly let our team know if you can no longer attend.

Event Program

Get ready for an engaging lineup of panels and breakout sessions with world-leading thinkers, regulators, and activists, who will be covering everything from global policy solutions to emerging AI technologies and civil society resilience.

  • Opening Speech from Imran Ahmed
  • Keynote from UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming
  • Panel 1: The State of Social Media Regulation: Lessons from International Policymakers
  • Panel 2: Digital Safety: Civil Society’s Fight Against Online Harms and Misinformation
  • Keynote from Ambassador and Special Envoy Deborah Lipstadt
  • Breakout Sessions

The State of Social Media Regulation: Lessons from International Policymakers

Regulators and thought leaders discuss the legislative landscape and global policy challenges shaping the future of social media governance.

Panel: South Africa Film and Publication Board Mashilo Boloka (virtual), Coimisiún na Meán‘s Executive Chairperson Jeremy Godfrey, and Peter Julian MP, Canada, (virtual).

Digital Safety: Civil Society’s Fight Against Online Harms and Misinformation

Civil society experts and youth advocates join a discussion on the innovative approaches beyond legislation to tackle the spread of digital hate and misinformation.

Panel: Design it for Us Zamaan Qureshi, Hate Aid’s Josephine Ballon, Conscious Ad Network’s Alex Murray, Social Media Victims Law Center’s Matthew Bergman, and CCDH’s Sarah Eagan.

Breakout A: Transparency, Data Access, and the Struggle for Research Integrity

This breakout discussion addresses the legal challenges advocates & independent researchers face, and insights into successful strategies in the fight for platform transparency and data access.

Panel: Coalition for Independent Tech Research’s Brandi Geurkink, Tech Justice Law Project‘s Meetali Jain, EU Delegation to the US Johannes Bahrke, and CCDH’s Hanno Fenech.

Breakout B: Structured networking hour; Meet and Greet with CCDH Staff

This is a free hour for participants to meet and mingle with CCDH research staff, peers from other organizations, and attendees are encouraged to create connections with those in the room.

Breakout C: Families for Online Child Safety: Parent-Driven Reform and Cross-Sector Collaboration

Community leaders, whistleblowers, and parent advocates delve into how fostering civil society resilience and cross-sectoral collaboration is key to effectively organizing platform demands.

Panel: Molly Rose Foundation’s Ian Russell, Online Harms Prevention Workgroup, ParentsSOS.org and Issue One member‘s Kristin Bride, and CCDH’s Imran Ahmed.

Breakout D: Safeguarding Democracy: The Impact of AI on Global Elections and Information Integrity

This breakout discussion explores the intersection of emerging technologies such as advanced AI and the potential threats to global elections and information integrity.

Panel: Public Citizen’s Lisa Gilbert, UNDP’s Niamh Hanafin, Center for AI and Digital Policy’s Christabel Randolph, and CCDH’s Suzi Ragheb.

Special Guest Speakers

To be announced.


See full speakers list here.

Full Schedule & Venue


  • 8:15-9:15 Registration. Coffee and breakfast served.
  • 9:15-9:30 Introduction speech by CCDH CEO Imran Ahmed.
  • 9:30-9:45 Keynote from Melissa Fleming, UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications. 

Session 1 – Room

9:45-10:45 The State of Social Media Regulation: Lessons from International Policymakers. Panel:

  • Mashilo Boloka, South Africa Film and Publication Board, (joining virtually)
  • Executive Chairperson, Jeremy Godfrey, Coimisiún na Meán
  • Peter Julian MP, Canada, (joining virtually)

Break 1

  • 10:45-11am Coffee and Networking

Session 2 – Room

11am-12pm Digital Safety: Civil Society’s Fight Against Online Harms and Misinformation. Panel:

  • Zamaan Qureshi, Design it for Us
  • Josephine Ballon, Hate Aid
  • Alex Murray, Conscious Ad Network
  • Matthew Bergman, Social Media Victims Law Center
  • Sarah Eagan, Head of Policy & Partnerships, Center for Countering Digital Hate

Break 2

  • 12-1pm Lunch and Networking


  • 1-1:30pm Keynote with Ambassador and Special Envoy Deborah Lipstadt


1:35-2:50pm Breakout A: Transparency, Data Access, and the Struggle for Research Integrity

  • Brandi Geurkink, Coalition for Independent Tech Research
  • Meetali Jain, Tech Justice Law Project
  • Johannes Bahrke, EU Delegation to the US  
  • Hanno Fenech, CCDH

1:35-2:50pm Breakout B: Optional networking hour – meet and greet with CCDH researchers

3-4:15pm Breakout C: Families for Online Child Safety: Parent-Driven Reform and Cross-Sector Collaboration

  • Ian Russell, Molly Rose Foundation
  • Kristin Bride, Co-Founder, Online Harms Prevention Workgroup, ParentsSOS.org and Issue One member
  • Imran Ahmed, CCDH

3-4pm Breakout D: Safeguarding Democracy: The Impact of AI on Global Elections and Information Integrity

  • Lisa Gilbert, Public Citizen
  • Niamh Hanafin, UNDP
  • Christabel Randolph, Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP)
  • Suzi Ragheb, CCDH

Break 3

  • 4:15-4:30pm

End of the day

  • 4:30-5:00pm Closing speech


Please check your email confirmation for more details about how to get to the venue.

About CCDH & the STAR Framework

CCDH is an international, independent, not-for-profit NGO that works to stop the spread of online hate and disinformation through innovative research, public campaigns, and policy advocacy. CCDH’s mission is to protect human rights and civil liberties online.

At CCDH’s first Global Summit in 2022, the Center introduced its global legislative framework for addressing online harms, the STAR Framework. Through the STAR Framework, we aim to establish key global standards for social media reform by recommending to policymakers, regulators, and platforms to adopt Safety by Design, Transparency, Accountability and Responsibility. 

In a world where disinformation, hate speech, and extremism threaten the very fabric of our societies, the STAR Framework is a beacon of hope. It represents a collaborative effort to foster a safer, more inclusive, and healthier digital ecosystem for all. 

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact [email protected].